Saturday, August 1, 2015

My Life: May 2015 - July 2015

May 2015-June 2015

So we continue from last post, so my last post end with that I may get my car on May, but that wasn't happened. Perancangan tak jadi. Tapi inshaAllah ada hikmahnya. So n 2nd May is my special private day, and I have my first job as an engineer on 5th May. Alhamdulillah. Bos baik, colleagues pun best. Sudi tunjuk ajar satu persatu. Terima kasih.

Pinjam kereta kawan for a week to workplace, then I move from Shah Alam to Teluk Panglima Garang to secure my transportation. Jalan kaki pun jalan kaki lah. Asalkan sampai tempat kerja. At first, I was quite painful experience, but bad experience is always interesting to reminisce. Then, tumpang orang sana, orang sini, then tak nak bergantung kat orang, naik teksi, Then a nice person insisted to ride with her. So, alhamdulillah. Ramai orang baik hati nak tolong. Sebulan jugaklah duduk sorang-sorang kat rumah until I get new housemates.

June 2015-July 2015
I booked 1st car, alhamdulillah! and it will be an Axia Green.

So harapnya dengan ada kereta baru ni, I will be a better person, make most out of it.
My planning as I get the car is:

  • Travel to any sekolah pondok and learn my deen.
  • Go to Iqbal (little brother) school, fetch him for an outing, and catch up with his academics.
  • Travel to Shah Alam to join charity programme
  • Balik rumah atleast 1bulan sekali
  • Find a way to increase my income
  • Belajar masak kat rumah as going to grocery is now so much easier!
Also, this is the first Raya I'm giving out duit raya!Huhu.
But the first time is always the most the excited one so I have A LOT of sampul duit raya in preparation of giving duit raya. But unfortunately, I couldn't change all the big notes. So I just gave them to my siblings and a few little kids. This raya I also realized that many the small kids is much much bigger now. And, some of the elder has passed by. This reminds me of how fast time flies by.

At the end of July, my car dealer told me that I will get my car by next week. That promised a dynamic, interesting August waiting for me!!

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

My life : July 2014- April 2015

What happen in my life a few months back. Saja nak tulis dalam blog untuk abadikan. Supaya nanti boleh baca. Malas pulak nak tulis manually. Nanti bercampur dengan benda-benda lain. My notebook has been always like that.

My life after I completed my study on July 2014.

Duduk rumah for 2 months- first month tu rasa okay-okay je, bahagia duduk rumah, second months rasa serabut dah. Sebab rasa tak produktif, lagi pulak rasa bebanan tanggungjawab tu menghempuk-hempuk bila kat rumah with knowing that I couldn't do anything to contribute to family.

Then after two months, Sya (kawan kelas call), tanya nak masuk INSEP tak? Pastu duk terfikir-fikir nak join ke tak. Sebab masa tu tak ada simpanan langsung. Pastu fikir elaun INSEP cuma RM500 je. Macam mana nak survive hoh? And the thinking goes on, undecided, hantar je resume tapi offer letter sampai lambat, masa tu pun taksure nak join ke tak sebab faktor kewangan, sampai lah lagi 2 hari before registration INSEP. Calling dengan kawan, dia kata RM500 tu untuk 5 months je. Lepas 5 months classroom, masuk praktikal, company bayar atleast RM1000, so total RM1500. Fikir-fikir, hm. boleh kot survive dengan RM500 untuk 5 bulan je. Kang sampai Shah Alam cari lah kerja part-time. Lagipun rasa macam kosong je even dah belajar degree 3 tahun. Nak kena upgrade skill kot baru orang hire kerja. Dahaga ilmu sebenarnya. Sebab rasa macam tak puas belajar masa degree. Lagipun Shah Alam je kot. Dah biasa get around situ. So, fikir punya fikir, decide, let's go!! Cari rumah, target nak cari yang tak ada deposit atau boleh delay bayar deposit. Kalau ikut logik, ada ke rumah macam tu... Nak kata rezeki, dapat rumah sewa, dengan bayaran deposit boleh delay dulu. Alhamdulillah..

October 2014
So, joinlah INSEP in Automated Product Design course. Duduklah rumah sewa. Mak bagi duit kat tangan RM200 je. Kena fikir cara nak survive dalam masa sebulan tu dengan RM200 tu. Pergi kelas tumpang kawan. Cakap pasal training tu, memang best lah training class dia. Memang lain daripada degree. Personally speaking, 3 days belajar kat INSEP is much more daripada belajar 1 semester kat degree. (Aku yang pemalas sebenarnya, jangan ikut). Cuma konflik nya belajar INSEP ni, sebenarnya duit elaun tu bukan exact after sebulan tu ko terus dapat payment. Proses dia makan masa sikit, 2-3 months camtu. Dah gelabah dah masa tu. Cari lah kerja part time. Then nampak advertisement kat satu kiosk ni nak kerja part time. Aku call orang tu, dia kata nak pekerja untuk jaga malam RM3/hour. Sehari kerja 2 jam je. So sehari RM6, Seminggu RM30. Okay lah kan? Sapa nak bagi kot RM30. Kerja lah aku kat situ jaga gerai and update stok. Kerja kat situ tak penat. Cumanya, aku kena rush lepas training pergi kerja and dapat rehat lambat. Training pun take most of my energy so sebenarnya aku kena rest awal malam. Supaya fresh pagi esok. Tapi kena kerja, so memang fokus kat training aku down sikit lah bila aku kerja malam. Ngantuk ya Rabbi. Ini tak boleh dibiarkan. Every hours class kat INSEP precious kot. Rugilah kalau tak fokus. Pastu cari kerja lain. Google2,. jumpa kerja as art tutor ni. Aku memang suka lah. Weekends je. Payment best. Pasal art pulak tu. Ajar budak lukis warna. So aku pergi lah situ. Jauh gak, 30 mins naik motor. Abang aku willing hantar. Terharu abang aku susah payah hantar ambik aku balik kerja naik motor. Ada minggu abang aku tak boleh hantar, naik bas lompat. Takde bas direct Shah Alam ke Subang 2, kena tukar-tukar bas which total journey is 4 hours. Sampai Subang 2, tumpang rumah makcik untuk tidur sebelum pergi kerja esok pagi. Dalam pada aku kerja art tutor tu, aku kerja gak malam kat kedai runcit sampai lah aku decide aku tak larat dah nak gitu. Quit kerja kedai runcit.

November 2014
In the midst tu, aku berconvo sederhana. Baju ada kawan sponsor, kasut kawan half sponsored. Gambar studio pun tak ada. Takde duit. Sokayy. Thank you for the people that help in the time of difficulty. I won't forget all the good deeds that all of you have done to me. May Allah grant you goodness in dunya wal akhirah.

October - March 2015
Sambung cerita, aku kerja lah kat art centre tu for a few months. Memang weekends takdelah nak jimba dengan ke apa. 7 days a week memang full. Training Mon-Fri. Weekend kerja. Kadang je lah jumpa kawan di celahan jam. Sampai satu masa abang aku dah busy. Takleh hantar aku dah. Aku tak larat naik bas, I quit the job. 

Middle March- April 2015
Disebabkan dah quit kerja jadi art tutor, perlu cari kerja lain untuk survive. So masa tu dapat idea jahit tote bag and sell it online. Business strategy is buat sample, customer kata ok, customer bayar dulu baru kita buat. So less cost kat situ. Penat sebab tak banyak masa, ada masa je menjahit. Juggling between sewing, packaging, posting and finishing my training. But alhamdulillah it made good money. Lepas lah bayar sewa rumah.

About that time, training kat INSEP pun dah habis. I went to interviews. First interview, dapat. Tapi kat Guppy Plastics Penang, Takde duit nak pindah, Takde kereta nak jalan. Reject. Second interview from another company, aku tak banyak cakap pun sebab dia tanya, faham ke apa company tu buat. Aku cakap je lah faham. Aku ingat dia nak test skill ke, tapi tak pun. So end camtu je, and tak dapat. Lagipun elaun sikit je (mata duitan. haha. Yelah, fikir family kot). So takpelah. Third interview, Sipro Plastics dapat. Tapi tak ada kereta nak gi. Reject. Frust kot masa reject. Lagi sakit daripada kena reject masa second interview. Huhu. Then aku pergi Career Fair UM, drop-drop resume. Pergi dua kali kot, sebab Panasonic ask me to come for interview on the next day. Sebab interviewers dah left before aku sampai. Aku sampai lambat gak sebab baru turun bas from Perak. So I came the next day and interview. Lepas interview Panasonic, dapat job offer from Elentec. Terpaksa reject jugak sebab tak ready nak commence immediately. Need more time to execute plan for my transportation. Reject. Sedih. Lepas a few days tu, dapat email from Top Glove untuk interview pulak. I was like so excited, Yippie. Pergilah interview. Interview paling susah I must say. Sebab ada IQ quiz (on paper), mathematical question (kena buat manually tau. no calculator! dah lama tak buat maths manually), personality test. Stress jugak nak jawab semua. Lepas jawab semua baru oral interview. Lepas interview, dia kata aku lepas first stage interview! (Yippie!! tapi.. baru tahu ada second stage interview? Oh myyy. Haha. Tapi gembira jugak.). And both interview pending for a month. Diaorang still in the midst of interviewing another candidate kot. Then hampir sebulan, dapat interview from Amkor Technology. Pun ada some maths question, logical test. Kat Amkor gugup sikit sebab rasa macam susah, semiconductor, something which I am not used to. Dah la sejuk baru lepas makan cendol, aircond lagi, soalan test susah, ada candidate lain macam hebat. Insikeyo you know. Tapi nak kata rezeki, I got the job!! Alhamdulillah. This one tak reject sebab dah ada plan untuk secure transportation. Have to make a plan lah kan. Sampai bila nak mengalah pada keadaan. Utmost grateful to Allah, the Sustainer.